Thursday, August 14, 2008

[ And so it is ... ]

Search in my mind,
trying to figure it out
And thought
I was happy but I'm having some doubts
Think I found the answer and I know I must confess
I'm still in love with my ex

And I wasn't ready when I said that I loved you
And in my heart, I know that I gotta tell you
I shouldn't have gone from a situation to the next
I'm still in love with my ex

[taken from "Kelly Rowland - I'm still in love with my ex"]


akusiktauk said...

in memory..

aleaf said...

hehehe lan lan

akusiktauk said...

btw,diaorg ni maseh kontek dgn aleaf ke/

aleaf said...

ada yg masih kontek lg

Claire said...

err..i'm lost....hehe

Unknown said...

eyh? ada copyright owh my pix kena guna dat... haha! but, i must say that's one of my best profile [side profile]... mmm i think i have a posting by the same title bah kan?... and so it is la la la... [sambil ngangi damien rice's the blower's daughter

Unknown said...

btw mcm chantek c claire 2 kan?

ReNo said...

i'm still in love with my ex too..haha

Unknown said...

i wish... i'm still in love with my 1st bf...sigh.. i miss him.. lalala...

Claire said...

o my~ my prediction is true???? la la la...haha ka tu aa yg kau puji pujian tu kenen? hahahahha (perasan)

Unknown said...

-> claire : eya ba... ko la ba 2 yg sy puji... hahaha!

Claire said...

hahaha...jd apa patut sy buat ni skg? malu2 ka? hahaha

Unknown said...

jgn ko betabyat mao malu2... ko trima ja dgn ikhlas pujian sy 2 k...

Claire said...

kita mo besinta2 d blog comment c aleaf ka ni munyit? hahaha

Unknown said...

uinah! bahaya kalo besinta2 2 tao...

aleaf said...

uiks uiks. apa ni ah!?