Tuesday, August 12, 2008

[ Blog and Blogging ]

I personally believe blogging should be something you do to express your opinion or simply talks about something or even express everything into art (photography, video, poems, etc).

There’re people who wrote in a discreet manner as to hide themselves. That’s fine. They have all rights to do that (like the phrase “mcm suka hati sia lah mau buat apa”) . Some bloggers fake their writings. Because that’s how they portray themselve. Right? Being discreet and fake is two different things. Being discreet is ok. There’s reason to be discreet for certain peeps. Being fake is a capital BS.

I had a few bloggers who commented in my message box who asked me to link them in my blog. Do they even visit my site again? Or just as an add ons as to extend their blogger’s list. And people would look at their looong list thinking,

“owh this guy is cool and read so many blogs”….

Are they? I’m not saying all of them but there’s a bunch.

I put links in my blogs of other bloggers because I read their postings. I devote myself to read their posts. I don’t simply put them in just to accesorize. and we need simple and attractive blog as not to degrade our vision. Make people focus more on your writing and not the widgets and stuff. 1 or 2 is ok but when there's the WHOLE TOWN in there that's tooooo messy. If you're good with HTML and stuff make good edits.

I started blogging in Xanga.com in 2006 after my first ex (LTR) introduced it to me. Then I moved to Blogspot.com last year. Actively writing poems and everything ever since. I’ve been ALMOST honest in my writings and I don’t see any problem except to improve myself. Believe me there’re some mentality who can’t except and finding it hard to understand because there are writings that need a deep and high IQ to be understandable. I can’t say it’s my writings but some other genius writer.

Some of my friend (who happens to read my blog) asked,

“why do I write in such language?”

Because I want to improve. Not to show off (maybe a little). I mixed my sentences with bahasa though (with sabahan slang) . And I still refer to a dict. Yet still I made a few grammar and spelling errors. But I don’t mind. I learned. We’re only human. None are perfect. Even the news caster made mistakes. Like the other day this Indian girl on TV3 during a live midnight news (yah I watch news on TV3 also) simply pronounce,

“Capacity” as “Ka-pe-city”

and other mis-pronounciation (she was so addressing this british accent that she made so many annoying mistakes). Please do encourage yourself to write in languages. I mean do you want to embarrased yourself in later usage?

Go write! Enjoy. Write anything. Take pictures. Express yourself. Keep "B" to da "LOG"

I don’t mean to annoy or made any controversial statements. But... hey that’s ALMOST the purpose of blogging right? Writing in as much as you want. So I thank to who at least spent some time to be a reader. I’m not proud with what I’ve wrote but I’m glad somehow I let it all out in my writings.

This post is a continuance and merely an agreement to Ricky’s post (


Claire said...

sepa yg kau nda puas ati ni aa? kestau2..hihi nda ba...ya la..mcmnapun at d end of the day..its ur blog jg..so peduli la apa mistake d sana cni because 4 me the msg is not to tell pple on the grammatical ka atau apa tp simply mo kasi urang tau tu cerita kn..hehe

JerryInc said...

agree with claire..totally hehe :)

akusiktauk said...

x boh dgr kata org n lyn org ya.
idup bloggers.
syg bloggers.

-> mengertikah aku? aduh!

ReNo said...

me blogger too...and I bloggin' for myself and be myself...

Unknown said...

hahaha! and i thought you wanted to bash me or what... hahaha!

aleaf said...

To Claire: ahaha.. ok jak bah. bukan nda puas hati. mengomen jak bah. ekekekke.. eya dats the point kita cerita supaya sampai msg kita sema urg.

To Jerry: yup yup

To akusiktau: hehehe makasihhh

To Reno: dats a good way to do it also

To Ricardo: No la. if i wanna bash u. i wud d it in a "different" way. la la la ha ha ha

Claire said...

o goat! u r gay~ sigh~ hahahha

jasonjay said...

interesting post so i must comment .. ha ha ...

i agree with you .. look at my blogspot, byk grammar mistakes. i don't give a damn ... i started this blog ... 2004?, when i re-read some of the posts again, my gosh, i wish i could have done much better .. but then, mana la ada masa mau edit balik ....

thanks for the link, unfortunately i don't link people to my blog, i bookmarked them!!

aleaf said...

yup yup. we learned from msitakes. So when I read my old post so much more to be improved.