Saturday, August 16, 2008

[ The 3 F’s ]

Wondering what're those 3 F's stand for? Friends. Foes, and For-display-only.

… who doesn’t have one? Or thousands more? Friend is a person who entertains you for another such sentiments of esteem, respect and affection. They’re the one who treats you like… you’re there. They who you knew fondly for so long and they who you casually meet and greet. They’re the company you want when you’re broken (or broke) or when you just need someone to brag with.

Foes…. perceptibly they’re the enemy. Who back-stabbed you when you’re not looking, who pushes you off the 4th Floor of the 1 Borneo Mall when they said “I have something to show you”. They’re the people whom we love to hate. You can either make them closer to you or you give them the silent treatment

For-display-only - The person you happened to go out with or just started to know each other would actually treat you as FDO. They didn’t mean it but their action made it much clearer. They’re the one who asked you to go for a date, but unwillingly for other people to see u guys went out. Or they just want to accumulate the number if their peeps. In a selfish sense, they just want to have their reputation protected without any consent of other people. So it's either they pleases their own self. PLT (People Like This) doesn’t need us. They only need their own mirror. A cheap one.

Trust yourself before you lend your trust on others.


JerryInc said...

you forgot the fourth 'F' - the people who are thorns in your shoes hahahaha

Claire said...

kau kena guna2 ka ni? ka kau yg mengguna? haha nda ba..main2 sja k..:p

Unknown said...

and then thr are the other TWO Fs... the FUCKER and the FUCKEE... hahaha!

aleaf said...

To jerry: hehehe so what would dat last F be?

To Claire: ekeke tedala. saja bah letak ni topic.

aleaf said...

To Ricky: oo that is soooo in a different block. hahaha

Anonymous said...

You are right,.. The Foes are good,..they are straight forward and they are expected to act that way. But the FDOs, you have to be careful. Cheers!

aleaf said...

hehehe. right-on! gimme 5!