Tuesday, August 19, 2008

[ Negativity ]

We live in a world with so many things to be dissatisfied; food, cloths, appearance, life, sex, etc….. there might be people gossiping about a girl’s dress (with that everybody-is-looking-at-me look) with a dreadful match in Hell Christian Lacroix’s black satin heels or having this thought of snatching someone’s partner because you‘re way gorgeous than that person he’s with.

Being pessimistic in a right place is tolerable. Some people discontented with everything. (Like the world's about to end) They were against everything that came pass their way. It’s like nothing pleases them. Diva like, flipping their hair, blotchy make-up, big haired people… not that I think all of them are drag queens. It’s just a depiction of what I’ve described girls who’re bitchy and fabulous. Guys have their own ego. They can be the DQ, normal or the pretenders.

When I’m elsewhere around the city with friends or my exs, we commented on things that does not complement with our sights in certain time. I realized I overload some of the conversation on bad remarks and somehow made some others feel uncomfortable. And I manage to tone down a bit. I was being optimistic with things going around but do I ever exclude myself from being negative? Nope. I don’t know why… seems fun to carry out such activity. But sooner or later I’ll taste my own medicine.

Being negative is fun… seriously everybody does that. But we need to be positive somehow. It’s an equilibrium in self-attitude. I might be totally wrong about this.. but people had their own perception on stuffs…

Cheers. Keep smirking. owh gosh.. so bored...


Claire said...

oo..i'm so totally against u...hehe tp nda pa..mesti mo begaduh ba kn sepa mo on top..mana buli iya sja slalu..ekeke lari topic skjp..neway, for me..being negative is not in the equation. :) i guess it depends on how u are lah...lets say i'm supper sentsitive-emo-type of girl, then being positive is a must lah..something like that...:)

aleaf said...

hehe.. im not against everyone. hahaha.. mmgla teda urg mau kalah. tp mau jg bah ada rasional sikit kan? ekekeke... mmgla depend dgn urg tuh. yg sia cakap sini utk yg minority jak. ekekekke.. I like being positive... tp nda bulih la positive jak nanti jadi naive. kan kan? hehehe... so my point is kita harus berhati2 itu jak. yeeehaaaaaa

Claire said...

hahaha...ya la..mesti ada balance ba...neway..being positive nda jg jd naive ba...peduli la kalau pun..hahahha gila ka? tp kau jgn terlebih pigi negatif ba aleaf...hehe

aleaf said...

eya bah . buli ba kalo ko. ekekekke

Unknown said...

i thnk i've splashed more sarcasm on ur brain kan...

aleaf said...

eh? i think it was always been there in me. it's waiting to be triggered jak. ekekke.. lol... saeeee