Wednesday, July 30, 2008

[ Gossip Boys ]

A few days ago I’ve been hearing gossips about my long time scandal. “N” had been dating with a guy that had features of his past ex. It’s battle-of-the-ugly once more (That came out so harsh) but what the hell.

Visit him at

It’s just gossip (that came out to be true) but when it comes to that, I somehow care or don’t care. I’m not like Perez when it comes to gossips. (I typed “comes”, “but” and “gossips” twice… mmmm is that important?).

Well it’s gossip (there goes the 3rd one). People saw, talk, spread, and somehow the words are tweaked before speech. That’s how it goes. Anyone can end up a victim. Then when the time comes we must pick ourselves up and continue our journey. Even me! Got stories from “mouths” that I’m married to a Papar-ians (who I don't even know or had any)which is entirely not true. And there’s another rumor that I’ve kept changing partners. Ermm… that’s an exception. But I DON'T change partners. I’m not Colin Farell (nor Britney). I had a few dates and ONLY dates. Sometimes there’re pleasure (or sex which ever might please you) involved but only dates. Nevertheless.

mmmmm... Intriguing is it?

Gossips won’t happen if people didn’t see those things happened in front of them. Like I said before, they eventually disembark the truth. I don’t mind. Can’t shut their pie-hole. Afterall... this is almost a free country. And hearing bad stuff about my past-spit just made my day ( Evil laugh while holding strains of that persons hair ).
Seriously i want to find that "creepy thin man's" evil laugh from Charlie's Angels but this will do.

Anyways... should we realize that there are enough people to hate in the world already without someone else putting in so much effort to give us another. right? Rumors alive?
That's ok. I kinda like the attention. yeeehaaaaa!!!
[ Keep smirking and save the world ]


ReNo said...

Gossip make the world keep rollin bro...lex ja...besa tu...makin bnyk gosip makin kita glamor (mcm artis hehe), matang (kalau ambik sbg pengajaran la) dan mati (haha ni klu gila jelah!). so pandai2 la mo hidup...

aleaf said...

eya la. itula sia ckp sia nda kesah. hehehe.. populer bah jg kena cakap2. ekekeke

John Harding said...

eh.. i have one solution to gossip.If you dont want to hear any gossip about ur ex, or anybody else or any gossip that might hurts you...then be the subject yourself..let people gossip about you hehehehehe...get more popular than other people..they will talk about u and nothing else...

aleaf said...

ya lor. dats my point in this posting. hahahaha. i said i dont mind people bithced about me. hahaha