Tuesday, July 22, 2008

[ Behind All That ]

I was at a buffet table digging some fried chicken (mmm.. my favourite) and an old man in his mid 40s was behind me muttering something in malay (Dusun style) while shoving his kids (I think) away from the bunker filled with canned cold drinks (and Beer-carlsberg, you know the drill).
So he was in sarcastic and angry tone saying,

"Janganla kamurang pigi ambik tu beer. aduila ni budak-budak. Malas sia kalo tgk budak mabuk!"

I chuckled so loud and had a few moment of silence while looking at that uncle, then move silently like a trained assasin towards the other food station.

well..... it tells that the kids were trained or had been drinking back then.
So sometimes there's a lot more than meets the eye. (aiyoo.... so corny).

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