Sunday, February 3, 2008

[ Moving On ]

"Moving On"
by Aleaf

As my age ticks in its path
Dreams, hopes, faith, believes
Rolled unintact
with chances tumbling down

Opportunity given ... But ignored
What a meak thing to do
Furiously driven my self jitterly around
A great soul
A goddess
Stood for as long as it could hold on
Gritted patiently
Until everything caved in
Forced by dissapointment and pain

Confession had been made
Too late ... but with a cause
Too soon ... but still close
Both surrended

I'm boned, skinned, and deducted
Defeated by my own egocentric tact
Voted out by my own self - doubt

I'm back to where I've started
Imploding to the earliest spot
Repainted with a steady colour
Alligning all bent lines

We were ranged away from each other
but he knew that

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