Saturday, February 6, 2010

[ I like you ]

.. I really like you. but I'm not in love with you. well.. Not yet. I'm saving up my feelings and those 3 words till the right time and the right person.

I would be bluffing if i said I don't feel alone. On the other hand, I do. I had few dates.. But ya know, I'm comfortable with them.. and that's about it. I would love to be in a relationship as soon because I began to miss the feeling.

Sex? It has been a while. So.. I could be loosing my touch. *chuckle*. I had my hand as practices. But.. that is not really important

So if ever I met nice looking person.. I say "I like you".. And see how it goes from there. *SIGH*


Zul said...

try harder.. maybe someday you'll find it..

aleaf said...

yes I will